Thursday, February 10, 2011

21 - Become An Early Riser

Become an early riser, get up an hour or two earlier everyday. You'll get so much more done in those couple extra hours in the morning. The best thing I keep myself motivated to waking up is that I found a group of people who are committed in running in the morning with me.  I'm now up at 5:30am and go for my morning runs 3 times a week and the other days, I set all my appointments early so I will get out of bed and get my day going. 

It's an amazing way to start your day with energy and it's also a very peaceful time in the day when the house is quiet. You can enjoy time to yourself, you can gather your thoughts, take the extra time to read and just breath.  It's also a good time for you to set goals.

The best way to easing into getting up early is to start slow. Don't do drastic changes, cause you'll burn out just as fast. Start by waking up 20mins earlier and sleeping 20mins earlier every other night. 

You've got to set a goal or a reason why. My goal is to train for a full marathon, and I've committed to my group in showing up.  And when you say you're going to do something, you should always do it. You need to be true to your words and you need to have someone there to be accountable for.

Now go out there, hunt out some early riser, work out, watch the sunrise and start your amazing day!!

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